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По умолчанию How to Bolus Feed/Syringe Feed

How to Bolus Feed/Syringe Feed

Bolus feeding is a type of feeding method using a syringe to deliver formula through your feeding tube. It may also be called syringe or gravity feeding because holding up the syringe allows formula to flow down using gravity. Most people take a bolus or a “meal” of formula about every three hours or so. This allows you to have more freedom in between feedings. A feeding will usually take up to 20 minutes.Get more news about Advanced Syringe Auto Feeder,you can vist our website!
Engineered by KD Scientific Inc, U.S.A, the market leading laboratory syringe pumps for unsurpassed accuracy and reliability.
Intuitive touch screen for setting up rate and volume control. Volume is tracked in real time on the display. On completion, the pump shuts off automatically.
Users can easily define and perform complex injection protocols.
Unique combination of intuitive controls, sophisticated features and advanced microstepping motor-drive technology.
Frees up time by performing many of the tasks that require manual operation on other pumps.
Optimizes your lab bench space. For limited laboratory space, they can be placed on their side to reduce the footprint. The display can also be changed to allow the user to operate the pump vertically.
How to Bolus/Syringe Feed:

Wash your hands.
If you have a low profile feeding tube, prime the extension tubing to remove any air before attaching it to the feeding tube. Priming the tubing helps prevent air from entering your stomach and causing discomfort.
Clamp the extension set.
Remove the plunger from the syringe and attach the syringe to the extension tubing.
Pour about 15 mL of formula into the syringe.
Unclamp the extension set, allowing the formula to flow just to the end of the tubing and clamp the extension set.
Attach the extension set to the feeding tube.
If you have a regular gastrostomy tube, flush your tube with water.
Remove the plunger from the syringe.
Attach the syringe to your feeding tube
Pour 10-15 mL of water into the syringe and let it flow through your tube.
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